Battle for the Net Neutrality – POP Art – Fist – Cables on Fire – FCC – Protest – Illustration by gfkDSGN

Battle for the Net

Computer Technology, Economy, Free Download, Neo Pop, Politics, Pop Art, Vector Graphics

Call for YOUsers to join the Battle for the Net

Net Neutrality is under attack, no doubt. When Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of http communication is fighting for Net Neutrality, then this is a really important topic. His contribution to the Internet as we know it, was the basic for all Websites and Blog’s — a huge milestone for the era of information technology. Guess what language your apps talk to home, App or Play Sore. Seems Berners Lee can’t stand for this development that US. President Trump and Ajit Pai made the Internet worldwide become to.

“That’s not the web I want.”

Tim Berners Lee

Raise the Fist for your own, your kids, and digital Rights of us all. Join The Battle for the Net Neutrality. Shame on us, when we aren’t able to restore Neutrality mode! Right now it disappeared by FCC interest to maximize data-transfer revenue. What will you tell your kids and their’s what you have done against it? We all as Users have to deal with

Results when Net-Neutrality is gone.

According to USA Today the ISP Verizon limited the bandwith for the California Fire Department during the Mendocino wildfire. Corporation driven capitalistic greed affecting directly the ability to prevent People get killed in events like this. This is when Net Neutrality been lost and the insanity of capitalism shows it’s ugly, former hidden side. Fire Fighter’s in the U.S.A. need to stand up as one to make their job. Fire Fighters are Heroes, all over the World, and they deserve the Solidarity of the rest of the citizens.

What do you think?