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Killer Robots

Computer Technology, Economy, Human Rights, Philosophers, Politics, Pop Art, Terror, War

Drone Assassination Attack

Nicolás Maduro – Libre Software Venezuela – US Sanctions – Photoshop – Adobe Alternative – Illustrator – Inkscape – Free Software – Pop Art Illustration by gfkDSGN

The “mysterious rebel group” behind the Nicola Maduro attack may be the same that started attacks on the power-supply. The Lima group and Koch Industries are behind the coup and sanctions against Venezuela, but The New York Times will never point out the elephant in the room. As a matter of fact most drones are operated by the US military since they started with remote-controlled F-80 jets. Even when Israel’s IDF would like to keep up, their budgets are much smaller and Venezuela is no threat for Bethlehem.

Times – Drone Investigation?

After Wikileaks documents been published by The New York Times, they somehow been silent with critical war reports. That’s how TNYT made the situation for Julian Assange only worst.

What do you think?