Google Android Robot ⬇ Tripping Thorn Apple Computer – Pop Art

Killer Robots

Computer Technology, Economy, Human Rights, Philosophers, Politics, Pop Art, Terror, War
Barack Obama – RAB Predator – Vector Portrait Illustration – USA – Embassy – Berlin – Feuer Frei – Ramstein – RAB – Baron Obama – Drone Wars – Airbase – SVG Illu by gfkDSGN

US American drones equipped with hellfire rockets do execute military services for the Pentagon and POTUS. Those US national birds of prey can be spotted in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Mali, many other African countries on a daily base. Barack Obama didn’t invent those tactics, but he increased the attacks on a scale never seen before. That’s why he appeared riding the predator like Münchhausen on his cannonball on the US embassy in Berlin. As a matter of fact, we know that he didn’t appreciate our British humour, even when it is considered as “black”.

Since we can’t appreciate Obamas predator drones — we called it even.

A.I. Killer Drones

On the other hand, A.I. is a game changer, isn’t it?

What do you think?