Street Art – Flower Thrower – Capitalism – Copyright vs Banksy – Solidarity Vector-Illustration by gfkDSGN

Banksy Brandalised

Capital, Human Rights, Inspiration, Politics, Pop Art, Vector POP Illustration

There is no question about — Banksy inspired people worldwide to make a step forward and stand up for their values, even when the local government is repressive like in London. Obviously, Emmanuel Jaquez is one of them and he created the animated version of the Flower Thrower. You could download an start to animate with Toonz for free and the best tool for vector illustrations that we use is free as well.

Flower Thrower Anime

Talking to World Trademark Review, Blaser Mills trademark attorney Aaron Wood, who represented the copyright pirates Full Colour Black, warned that the ruling is “a significant decision for artworks” because the EUIPO Cancellation Division has clearly taken the position that such works “are figurative marks like any other, but that means they also need to be used as trademarks”. “If there was no intention to use then the mark is invalid,” he said.

“In fact, all of Banksy’s trademarks are at risk as all of the portfolio has the same issue.”

— Aaron Wood

While The Guardian reported about the case it’s not like they would argue for creative protest like John F. Kennedy did. Who else can’t understand Banksy in this situation? Let’s say he revealed himself but not his name: is there nothing else than a conviction that makes a difference for the court? Is it justice that’s served in the Flower Thrower case or revenge, what do you think?

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