John Lennon – War is Over If You Want It – Peace Movement

John Lennon

Celebrity, Extreme Sports, Free Software, Inspiration, Music, Pop Art, Vector Portrait Graphics

While John Lennon isn’t available as author for new Beatles albums, the song below sounds like he was involved. The vocals aren’t as consistent as the arrangement in our opinion, but it’s the first-ever entire song composed by Artificial Intelligence.

Daddy’s Car

The research conducted by Sony CSL Paris and Marie Curie University have developed FlowMachines, a system that learns music styles from a huge database of songs. Exploiting unique combinations of style transfer, optimization and interaction techniques, FlowMachines composes novel songs in many styles.
“Daddy’s Car” is composed in the style of The Beatles. French composer Benoît Carré arranged and produced the songs, and wrote the lyrics.

The research of François Pachet leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventy Framework Programme (EP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement no.291156).

While the arrangement is actually great in our opinion, the NNIE could be trained much better on voices with original vocal stems. While some would argue that Universal Music won’t give access for this research based on their capital interest, those people have not idea what’s possible today. Our Followers and audience are much better informed and equipped since we’ve published about another game changer for the music artists a while ago. Spleeter is just one of the amazing tools in our posting about the best software for musicians, producers, composers, and everybody else with a love for music. You can discover all of our audio software recommendations here and much more in the Free Software 4 Free People category as long as your E-mail adress fits in the box below. 😉 ♥️ & ☮

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