John Lennon – War is Over If You Want It – Peace Movement

John Lennon

Celebrity, Extreme Sports, Free Software, Inspiration, Music, Pop Art, Vector Portrait Graphics

New Beatles music videos are made in colour, but until 2018 old black and white images needed a lot of manual labour to appear in colour.

Eleanor Rigby

The video is packed with symbols an references like the Yellow Submarine of Heinz Edelmann, Terry Gilliam’s animations for Monty Python films, the repeating patterns of POP Art, Olympia 72 designs by Otl Aicher, and last not least the surrealist Rene Magritte. We love the way Subafilms recreated the vintage look for Eleanor Rigby even when the animation technique can’t compete with epic manga movies like Ghost in a Shell or Akira. The legendary Studio Ghibli used OpenToonz to create legendary manga movies like Princess Mononoke, and like the name suggests already: it’s open-source and FREE software that you could use as well. The music video of “Come Together” took animation into the next dimension for The Beatles…

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