John Lennon – War is Over If You Want It – Peace Movement

John Lennon

Celebrity, Extreme Sports, Free Software, Inspiration, Music, Pop Art, Vector Portrait Graphics

The next dimension for animated video is of course the third even when time and audio waves are dimensions of their own and automaticly involved in music videos. However, the hard- and software to create animated videos was very expensive when we started back in the days of Mac OS7.1 at Quadra 950 computers. That changed a lot, but the high saturation was already a reason for POP Art to be so fresh and appealing according to Richard Hamilton. Apple used this look for iPod TV ads, but it wasn’t psychedelic like the “reloaded” 3D matrix version of…

Come Together – reloaded

We appreciate the low-poly style, but with a few shades it could have been even better. The Software we recommend for the most advanced animations and time effective rendering in 3D is blender. It comes with the cartoon renderer Freestyle build-in what makes it the best friend of digital artists working in mixed dimensional workflows. You can find much more in the Free Software category, but we have rare Beatles concert videos in vivid colour…

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