Apple Macintosh – SE FD HD – MacDraw – POP Artwork – 1984 Apple Keynote – Steve Jobs – Vector Illustration

Mac OS versus Linux

Advertising, Computer Technology, Economy, Inspiration, Inventions, Philosophers, Pop Art, Vector Graphics

Apple Mac 1984

The Super Bowl Commercial Apple produced exclusive to run at the Super Bowl made a huge impact and became a legend of it’s own. Here it is to see again…

This ad of director Ridley Scott maybe is the most iconic commercial Apple ever ran. We have our own visual interpretations on Apple, but after our gallery you could learn about Ridley Scott’s dramatic bullshit approach and his inspiration. The next year Apple continued the commercial propaganda bullshit with their Lemmings ad for Macintosh Office, but that was serious Microsoft business territory. Have you ever seen our delicious Apple POP Art, or Steve Jobs’ very first Apple Keynote…

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